4 Ways To Keep Sustainability Momentum Up Throughout The Year

January is the time of year when individuals and businesses make resolutions and commitments to change for the better, and sustainability is often a part of this. Many find that once February comes around, these resolutions fall by the wayside. As an organisation, keeping up momentum among staff and stakeholders for sustainability initiatives is so important. From your recycling machinery to your purchasing decisions, sustainability comes into every aspect of the business. Today, we are sharing our top four ways to keep up momentum throughout the year.

Build The Momentum

You can’t keep up the momentum if it isn’t there to begin with, and the only way to be truly successful in your green initiatives is by creating excitement around the concept. Set up a group of individuals in the business who are passionate about the cause and can generate enthusiasm among your team. Help these green leaders to create sustainability goals and initiatives which are achievable and reasonable for your company. It is these passionate people who will build the momentum and generate awareness among the rest of the business. These are also the individuals who will be able to keep that momentum going throughout the year, without letting it wane in February.

Reduce Single Use, Disposable Items

Many businesses rely heavily on disposable items and single use plastics for their daily activities. From utensils and coffee cups to shopping bags and water bottles, these are all very common things which are convenient but have a huge impact on the planet. Work to replace these disposable items with more sustainable alternatives, such as reusable mugs and water bottles for all employees. When you give your employees the correct tools to keep up with these green initiatives, they are far more likely to stay on board. 

Encourage Sustainable Opportunities

You can easily demonstrate your company’s commitment to sustainability by providing incentives for employees to take up new opportunities which help the planet. Encourage your team to take part in volunteering events such as local park clean ups, planting trees or picking up rubbish. Provide individuals with paid time off to take part in these opportunities and give your teams the chance to get out there and make a real difference to the world.

Provide The Right Recycling Equipment

Your company and your employees will only be able to keep up sustainability momentum throughout the year if they are provided with the right tools. Ensure you have the right recycling equipment to make proper waste management easy. Place recycling bins in busy locations around the office and invest in the right recycling machines for your most common business waste. For example, if you create a lot of cardboard waste, a baler or compactor could be the ideal solution. 

At WRT, we are specialists in recycling equipment and can help your business stay on track with sustainability initiatives in 2022. For more information, contact our expert team today.