How To Minimise Waste In Manufacturing


Try as we might, waste is always going to be an unfortunate part of the manufacturing process. Excess waste however is a different story, especially at a time when going green has never been more pertinent. Businesses around the globe are scrutinised non-stop for their environmental awareness, so it’s never been more relevant to have a suitable system in place for minimising waste.

Managing waste in the home is easy. For a manufacturing plant however, waste management starts to get a bit more challenging. To help you find ways to improve, we’ve put together this handy guide, which includes a few key areas you might want to consider.

Make Changes To Product Packaging

Product packaging is often the go-to when businesses are looking to cut back on waste, and there’s numerous modifications that can be made. For starters, limiting the packaging to only what’s necessary will cut back on a lot of unnecessary materials. You can also implement a total redesign to further reduce what’s needed.

If you’ve already redesigned your packaging, then moving to reusable packaging is always an option too. If you’re using single use plastics in your product packaging, then switch to more environmentally friendly options instead.

Reduce Product Volume

Cutting back product volume where you can is another great way to minimise waste. If you’re seeing the same materials or created products left over day after day, then this is a clear sign you can make some cutbacks. While constantly assessing what you’re selling and what materials you’re ordering can be pretty tedious and laborious, there’s no question it will help you save on both waste and money.

Cut Down On Water Usage

Manufacturing often uses a lot of water, which always leads to a lot of waste. Remembering to keep one eye on water resources is the best start to preventing water waste. Annual reviews and implementing water recycling protocols can go a long way towards cutting down on water usage.

Closed Loop Manufacturing

For the unfamiliar, closed loop manufacturing is when waste materials are kept in circulation. This is done by recollecting them after post-production, and reusing them for the next process. Keeping track of stock is also vital, along with cutting back on the amount of ordered materials (as previously mentioned). Keeping on top of production procedures and ensuring that warehouses stay organised are the best way to ensure you’re not forgetting any materials that could come in use.

Have the Correct Recycling Machinery On Site

Finally, having the correct recycling machinery on site is going to be the best way to ensure a smooth and efficient manufacturing process that’s low on waste. To make sure your business has the recycling equipment it needs, WRT is here to help.

We’re the UK’s leading provider of new and used waste recycling equipment, and have all the expertise and know how to make sure you’re managing your waste efficiently. Get in touch today to see how our friendly team of experts can help you!