Key Takeaways From Global Recycling Day 2022
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On the 18th March, we celebrated Global Recycling Day here at WRT. The international event is all about encouraging recycling in a range of different settings, and it takes place every year in March. This year, we are sharing our key takeaways from the event, and what we learnt about recycling processes and practices going forward.
Global Recycling Day takes place every year, and was introduced to recognise and celebrate how important recycling is to our planet and its future. It focuses on encouraging leaders across the globe to realise the importance of recycling, and highlighting that it is a global issue which everyone should take responsibility for.
2022 saw the events fourth year, after it was set up in 2018 by the Global Recycling Foundation. Their role is to support and promote recycling and the overall industry on a worldwide platform. They focus on showcasing the vital role that recycling plays in securing the future of our planet. During Global Recycling Day, the foundation and many other organisations work to raise awareness of how important recycling is for preserving primary resources.
Each year, Global Recycling Day has a theme, and in 2022 we saw a focus on ‘recycling fraternity’. This was all about the individuals and companies who are on the frontline collecting waste and using recycling equipment during the pandemic. The recycling fraternity put in great efforts during multiple lockdowns, and were an essential service during a time where there was an increase in waste of masks, PPE, and food.
The Global Recycling Foundation revealed that the last year was the hottest on record, and it has led to a climate emergency which has never been experienced before. Rapid change is needed to protect the planet’s natural resources, and without it, temperatures will continue to rise. This has a direct impact on humanity, with communities becoming displaced leading to immigration and poverty, and waste mountains taking over natural habitats.
Global Recycling Day 2022 celebrated that recycling has now been recognised as part of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for 2030. There is more attention than ever before on recycling and sustainability, and this was clear from the support and involvement during Global Recycling Day. It was highlighted that recycling is essential for a circular economy, and helps to protect the planet’s natural resources.
Recyclables have become known as the seventh resource, and they save more than 700 million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide emissions a year. It is expected that this will rise to one billion tonnes by 2030, leaving no doubt that recycling equipment is at the forefront of the war to save the future of the planet.
At WRT, we are specialists in used recycling machinery and passionate about helping our customers improve their recycling practices. If you are feeling the impact following Global Recycling Day 2022, get in touch to discuss your recycling needs.